Excerpt mentioning the Andrew J. Warner House in Ogden, Utah

“This loss was offset to some extend by my being able to buy quite a mansion of a house from Keith and Ruth Wahlquist at a very low price and in good condition. On February 8, 1937 we left the farm with its many chores and moved into that spacious home above pictured. It had large attractive rooms, hardwood finish, a wonderful fireplace and a fancy spiral stairway in the tower leading up to the second floor. There were two or three extra rooms upstairs which we rented to students as furnished rooms. This fine home close in in the city was quite a noticeable change of environment from the far. On February 18th, my fiftieth birthday, we had quite a celebration. A goodly number of relatives and friends were invited. Alice and the girls cooked a wonderful dinner and we had a lot of real interesting program numbers, among which were the humorous readings of William Stowe and also his playing of lovely as well as weird music on a steel saw. Everyone present seemed to have a good time. We had bought carpets as well as some furnishings and we put up some decorations so that the place looked gay and real inviting. We were in the Ogden Fifth Ward of the Mount Ogden Stake. Brother Austin Shaw was the bishop and Frank Malan and L. Laurence Waterfall were his counselors. We were acquainted with quite a lot of people in the ward and the meetings were excellent… Reverend John Edward Carver, Pastor of the Presbyterian church and his family lived in the house next west of us, they were certainly congenial fine neighbors and I renewed our acquaintance of 1921 when I sang solos in his church.
The long looked for Pine View Reservoir was completed this spring, 1937, by June 1st the water was available and a few days later I guided a stream onto a part of my ten acres later known as sun view farm up near the foothills. What a joy to see the life-giving irrigation water on that thirsty land for the first time! During the first week of June, I planted quite an extensive garden and how it grew on that virgin, weed-free soil! I raised a great variety of vegetables and everything proved to be of marvelous quality.
We went for auto rides, to shows and outings. The girls were busy with their work, with their activities and in going out with various nice young men. In the home we were very nicely and comfortable settled, but Alice seemed to be growing restless and uneasy. The summer days were nearly gone. Alice seemed to be real restless and not satisfied with her surroundings and moody at times. We did not however bicker or quarrel at any time. At the last of August she rented an apartment for herself, took all of her belongings and left our home saying that she was leaving me and my three daughters once and for all and for good and that she would not come back. I have referred to this matter on page 30 and 31 of my preface so I will not elaborate further except to say that through a lawyer I promptly filed divorce…To her everlasting credit, Alice did not ask for any alimony and she signed a quit claim deed to each and every piece of property that I owned. I feel sure that the hand of Providence overruled all love these circumstances making it possible for me to meet and marry my beloved Olga.
(p. 468) I invited Olga to dinner with me and my daughters at our home (on 25th Street); she praised the girls’ cooking and rightly so. They liked Olga very much. She spent a little time near the huge fire place, and she told us some of her exciting experiences…
…I took Olga to an Ogden Kiwanis Club banquet and dance where she met lots of my friends. I recall she was wearing a stunning new red dress and also a million dollar smile…” (The next section tells of their courtship and marriage).
During January, Dr. George O. Bartlett took a liking to our mansion like home (on 25th Street) and offered to trade his home (on Monroe Blvd) for it. His home was more compact and practical for us, and it had a very nice upstairs apartment in it that we could rent. Realtor Wilbur P. Book (or Look?) negotiated the deal and on February 11th 1938 we moved from the 25th Street home to the Monroe Blvd place pictured on the next page and we felt very satisfied with the move.