Here at Evalogue.Life we are invested in doing whatever it takes to help you with telling stories whether it be your own story, or that of someone you love. Sometimes a book jumps out at us, and Worth the Wrestle by Sheri Dew is one of those books. That was especially true after we were able to interview Dew at RootsTech; her words then and in this book touched me a great deal. In short, I found Worth the Wrestle to be worth the read and wanted to share my thoughts on it.

It wasn’t super long, so I could read a chapter or two a day and get through it quickly. But the thing I loved most about it is that it caused me to think, and think deeply. I have been pondering much of what Dew talked about for days now. But I haven’t stewed, I have pondered. I have been thinking about so many elements of my life that have been worth the wrestle and some that haven’t. Her book even inspired me to write a blog about some hard questions I have asked myself in the wrestle about motherhood and the role of it in my life.
A chance to ask myself some questions.
As a writer and storyteller, I ask people lots of questions about themselves, but sometimes I forget to ask myself the questions–the most important questions–and sometimes I forget to ask those same questions to God, or search the scriptures or seek knowledge from others. Dew explains how vital this is in the first chapter, “Questions are good.” I used to question so much that now I take so much for granted. I love questions and I love good answers. I need to be engaging with the questions more deeply in my life. She takes three full pages just sharing questions she has been asked over the years. I LOVED it! She asked if any “struck a chord.” And yes, they did. I’m doing some answer finding as we speak.
Walk Toward the Light
She also reminds us to remember our testimonies as we seek answers. This is something I have many times thought myself when I have encountered people who are having what is commonly referred to as a “faith crisis.” I know that a faith crisis is a real, bring-you-to-your-knees experience and there are some aspects of my faith I have questioned over time, I will admit, but I loved that Dew suggests that rather than walking away to discover, we walk toward the light. I think perhaps my favorite quote from the book was this:
“Once you have received a spiritual witness of the truths that form the foundation of a testimony, then when questions arise – even the thorniest questions about our doctrine or history or positions on sensitive issues, or the aching desires of our hearts – they are opportunities for spiritual growth. They are not red flags suggesting that the gospel isn’t true. They are opportunities to engage in the wrestle for inspired answers, receive personal revelation, and increase faith.”
To me, that is a brilliant statement and one I loved hearing. She also shared a scripture in that same chapter, that interestingly enough I have heard several times this week after I read it. It is found in Doctrine and Covenants 78:18 and was counsel the Lord gave Joseph Smith when he was having his own “wrestle” with something. “Ye cannot bear all things now…Nevertheless, be of good cheer, for I will lead you along.” And of course, what the Lord is saying is that He teaches us things when we are ready. Sometimes we are not always ready when we think are and in the reverse, sometimes we are more ready than we think. The key is: The Lord knows.
Getting personal.

One thing I was captivated by in the book was its rawness. Dew gets personal. She tells us some beautiful personal experiences and shows a side that I have not often seen with her. She divulges her struggles and it just made everything she wrote more real and more tangible.
She also answers a lot of the questions she asked in the beginning, but some she left alone. It was the perfect end for me. And of course, she brought it all back to the reason for our faith – the Savior Jesus Christ. Thanks Sheri Dew for the gentle reminder that this life, the gospel of Jesus Christ and so many other things are indeed, worth the wrestle.
You can get “Worth the Wrestle” here from Amazon or Deseret book (get a free trial of their unlimited program.)

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