Uncanny, I think, when the archivist hands me the old photographs. But then again, in my line of work doing family history, I have come
No coincidences? Uncanny occurrences in researching people and places

Uncanny, I think, when the archivist hands me the old photographs. But then again, in my line of work doing family history, I have come
Sometimes events happen in life that force us to remember. The power of remembering ancestors is strong and innate. It’s been interesting that living through
While teaching a class in California, a man told me about the time he almost died and what changed after. This was in response to
RootsMagic vs. Legacy? For me, genealogy software is a must when doing any kind of family history work. It gives me a database for all
Sometimes in life there are moments that take you by surprise. Sweet moments where you discover things not only about yourself, but about your family.