A Child in Berlin is the gripping true story of childhood mischief and deprivations in Nazi-infested Berlin, a mother’s courageous choices, and a young girl’s ultimate resilience to survive alone. It is authored by Rhonda Lauritzen about the experience of Heidi Posnien during World War II.
Watch this short book trailer:
Here is the url: https://youtu.be/XchH-hFi9iw?si=BYxuJNfOJzEVkds6
Where to buy the book:
A Child in Berlin was traditionally published by Post Hill Press 10.29.2024
The King’s English Bookshop for author-signed copies:
We are delighted about our partnership with The King’s English Bookshop in Salt Lake City. If you are unable to attend one of our events and would like a SIGNED copy, they will take orders now to ship in mid-November.
Here is their secure ordering page: https://www.kingsenglish.com/item/8uS83FlDHQu2ZeAilGRrJA
- Paperback and ebookson Amazon here: https://amzn.to/4f45V1q (free shipping with Amazon prime)
- The publisher has now made a special-edition hardcover available: https://amzn.to/3Vlbi4x
Upcoming events for A Child in Berlin
Purchase a book, get it signed, and greet Heidi Posnien & Rhonda Lauritzen.
- Wednesday, January 29 at 6:00 PM
- 1511 S 1500 E, Salt Lake City, Utah
Weber County Library, Pleasant Valley Branch
- Saturday, February 22 at 2:00 PM
- 5568 Adams Avenue, Washington Terrace, UT 84405
The Weber County Library reported that our event at the Huntsville branch was the best-attended event in the history of that location. Other branches have now asked us to do an encore event, so we are in the process of scheduling it.
A Child in Berlin is the true story of a mother, a daughter, and their courage in the face of Nazi terror. Käthe is a mother who must choose between her dreams as a rising star in the opera and her conscience. She discovers the truth about her Jewish friends around the time she attends a dinner party presided by Adolf Hitler himself.
She realizes she cannot remain among Nazi society and makes the gut-wrenching choice to leave the opera. To support herself and young Heidi, she joins Berlin’s black-market network and ends up dealing with more than just food. As others evacuate the capital, Käthe harbors a secret that anchors them in the epicenter of danger.
While Käthe becomes ever more preoccupied with survival, Heidi and a roving pack of friends make mischief in Berlin’s rubble. The war devolves, and she braves hunger, cold, and feelings of abandonment as she shuttles between Berlin and the Polish countryside. Heidi’s ultimate test comes when she must survive alone in a bombed-out apartment during the final weeks of World War II. Her moxie shows how children are capable of far more than adults realize.
A Post Hill Press Book
ISBN: 979-8-88845-908-9
ISBN (eBook): 979-8-88845-909-6
Author Bio
Rhonda Lauritzen is a professional biographer who has written a dozen books as well as histories of buildings and places. She teaches the art of true storytelling at international conferences and other venues. As the founder of Evalogue.Life, she believes that when you tell your story, it changes the ending.
For media, feedback on A Child in Berlin, or other inquiries, please fill out our form below.
We will be at The Kings Bookshop on the 29 of January. Do we need to preorder a book or will they be there to purchase that evening?
Brad and Cathie Layton
Cathie, I am delighted you will come see us at The King’s English! The bookshop will have plenty of copies to buy that evening, and I encourage you to support them for being so kind to host this.