Lately I have been intensively noodling on a philosophical idea related to story endings. It is this: when you tell your personal story, it changes
5 Tips for writing about friendship
Some great question prompts center on writing about friendship. If you are working on your autobiography, life story, or memoir, the role of friends can
Make a ‘Stop Doing’ List
(This blog post was written last year, and it felt like the right time to share it again. The manuscripts I mention in it are
Read the words out loud: a writing step we never miss
One of the best days for me in any writing project is the read-aloud session. I’ve found that if you want to experience something really
How to start or boost a journal writing habit
What style of journal writing is best for you? What are the benefits of journaling? For starters, the U.S. Department of Veteran Affairs reports that
Story structure – Strengthen any story with these tips and examples
This article explains the basics of story structure using The Sound of Music as the main example, followed by a short personal example, and ending
Visiting an ancestral home at Witch Hollow near Salem
The Tyler family from which I descend had more involvement in the Salem witch trials than any other in New England in the number of
No coincidences? Uncanny occurrences in researching people and places
Uncanny, I think, when the archivist hands me the old photographs. But then again, in my line of work doing family history, I have come
Alice Ann’s Story Shows Me Riches
This is an embarrassment of riches. That’s what I thought when I looked around my leaking and smallish camp trailer while reading the pioneer story
An Adoption Story Touches My Heart 160 Years Later
Preface: This is an adoption story of enduring love, and pure hope. Also, it intertwines with my own family story (and I didn’t see that coming.) The