Uncanny, I think, when the archivist hands me the old photographs. But then again, in my line of work doing family history, I have come
No coincidences? Uncanny occurrences in researching people and places

Uncanny, I think, when the archivist hands me the old photographs. But then again, in my line of work doing family history, I have come
Snow is beautiful. Snow is magical. It sets the stage for endless fun. But snow is also deadly when the conditions are right. Mike Crowton
I love technology. It makes my job pretty wonderful. Well, I want to love technology, but there are some nuances that stump me on the
Here at Evalogue.Life we are invested in doing whatever it takes to help you with telling stories whether it be your own story, or that
Do God and marriage fit together? Kevin and Kit Cummings feel confident the two are integral pieces in a puzzle that fits together perfectly. The
“Tell your story. God has touched each of our lives in a way that will impact someone else’s life. All we have to do is