Uncanny, I think, when the archivist hands me the old photographs. But then again, in my line of work doing family history, I have come
No coincidences? Uncanny occurrences in researching people and places

Uncanny, I think, when the archivist hands me the old photographs. But then again, in my line of work doing family history, I have come
I love Memorial Day. It’s not the barbecue, the weekend get-a-way, or extra day of vacation, although those things are appealing. So why? The answer
The family stories that spring from family vacations are some of the best. When my husband and I got married one of our family goals
It’s hard to think of the holiday season and not think of all the holiday food – the tantalizing treats both sweet and savory –
It’s been years since I first watched the movie Coco, but each time I watch it I am moved and it brings out new emotions
Sometimes events happen in life that force us to remember. The power of remembering ancestors is strong and innate. It’s been interesting that living through
Music and memories go together. Music fills the whole body with joy. Music heals. Studies show that music is a powerful treatment for mental health,
When we hear the words family history or even family storytelling our minds often picture a little old gray-haired lady in a jogging suit and
I love technology. It makes my job pretty wonderful. Well, I want to love technology, but there are some nuances that stump me on the
What’s your favorite family recipe and why? What food takes you home? These are just some examples of family interview questions that stick. Rocky Road