It’s not uncommon for your story to feel stuck, or to feel like writing a memoir is a completely impossible task. We have a vision
Children, technology and family stories = magic
I love technology. It makes my job pretty wonderful. Well, I want to love technology, but there are some nuances that stump me on the
Remembering my dad – births and deaths on the same day
With Father’s Day around the corner, I am remembering my dad’s birthday, and his death date, and the coincidences that occurred on those two dates.
Are you a Multiplier or a Diminisher?
This article weaves ideas from Liz Wiseman’s Multipliers book with the idea of discovering our life’s purpose and theme in writing. Her book made me
How to inspire with your canon of business stories
When I look back at the end of my life, I hope the relationships formed with colleagues are among those I cherish as true and
Derek Hough – Telling His Story Through Dance
Star struck. That would be the first word that came to mind when I first saw Derek Hough at RootsTech 2019. The six-time Dancing with
Getting it Right: Five ways Bruce Feiler taught me about happy parenting
What is the secret to happy families and happy parenting? I interviewed New York Times bestseller Bruce Feiler and his research turned on some great light bulbs
Interviewing Part 1: Prepare for the interview
As a newspaper reporter for 20 years, interviewing is second nature to me, but may be intimidating for many. In this series, I share how-to