There can be an uncanny connection to ancestral homes and the places where our forebears walked. In our line of work, we’ve noticed some pretty
Surviving an Avalanche: A Story of Faith
Snow is beautiful. Snow is magical. It sets the stage for endless fun. But snow is also deadly when the conditions are right. Mike Crowton
Is Yours a Redemption Story?
I remember asking my boss for help a couple of years ago and it prompted me to write in my journal, “My younger self wouldn’t
How to write dialogue in a true story
Should you include dialogue in your memoir, autobiography, or family history? What if you don’t remember exactly what people said? In this article, we’ll address
Help! My Story is Stuck! Why Writing a Memoir Is Possible
It’s not uncommon for your story to feel stuck, or to feel like writing a memoir is a completely impossible task. We have a vision
Christmas of 1944 in Europe
Last month I had the pleasure of joining Tamara K. Anderson on her uplifting podcast, Stories of Hope in Hard Times. I’ve known Tamara for
Thanksgiving stories are as abundant as gratitude
This week we will gather to feast on food and reflect on our greatest blessings. Thanksgiving stories are a natural part of this day. Spontaneously
Thanksgiving Traditions – Making it one of the Best Holidays of All
I am a fan of holidays. Some I love more than others but ranking near the top is, of course, Thanksgiving. Thanksgiving traditions are what
Three Big Reasons why Holiday Food and Stories are Perfect for Each Other
It’s hard to think of the holiday season and not think of all the holiday food – the tantalizing treats both sweet and savory –
Sharing Stories about Hard Things can Change Lives
There is great power in sharing stories. Let’s take it a step further and say sharing stories, especially those about hard or sensitive subjects, can