Thank you for your interest in life story interviews. This document outlines how the process works and is organized in a question-and-answer format. Although it is written in lay terms, it constitutes the legal terms of purchase. 

What is included? 

Each interview includes: (1) The interviewer’s time to conduct an interview that will yield approximately 50 recorded minutes; and (2) The audio or video file will be provided by a flash drive and/or via a download link. The interviewee will receive an electronic copy of questions in advance of the interview; and (3) Amachine transcription. These transcriptions are generated using automated third-party software using speech recognition.  Transcripts are not edited or written into a story. Likewise, audio or video files are not edited. 

Who will conduct the interview? 

Interviews are conducted by professional interviewers who are subcontractors (independent contractors) of Evalogue.Life. Interviewers operate independent life story businesses in various parts of the world and have agreed to a professional code of conduct. A representative of Evalogue.Life will reach out to you to pre-screen your needs, and then will suggest an interviewer. If you agree that the suggested interviewer seems like a good fit, your contact information will be forwarded to the interviewer who will then reach out to you to help facilitate scheduling (or directly to the recipient if this was a gift). Interviews will be scheduled at a mutually agreeable time. 

If the interviewee needs to cancel or reschedule, 24-hour notice is required or be subject to a $25 cancellation fee. If the interviewer needs to cancel or reschedule, 24-hour notice will be provided, or interviewee will be entitled to a refund. 

Evalogue.Life pays the interviewer for their service once the interview is complete. Interviewers have experience with oral history and are adept listeners. They are not qualified as licensed mental health therapists, nor to provide any legal or medical advice whatsoever. 

How are interviews conducted?  

Interviews occur by telephone or videoconference technology (e.g., Zoom or Google Meet), depending on the preference of the interviewee. They are recorded. In-person interviews may be possible but will incur an additional cost for mileage and the interviewer’s travel time. In-person interviews and any surcharges must be negotiated in advance directly between the interviewee and the interviewer, and the surcharge will be paid directly to the interviewer and not through Evalogue.Life. 

Who owns the interview? 

The story of someone’s life belongs to the person telling the story, and that person retains sole discretion over how it may be used or disclosed, regardless of who paid for the interview. In other words, it is a gift, and once given, it is the recipient’s choice to do with as they please.  Interview recordings and transcripts will be provided to the interviewee who can then decide if, how, and with whom to share.

What happens if the recipient is unwilling to be interviewed? 

It happens from time to time that someone is not willing to be interviewed, and in this case Evalogue.Life will make a full refund of any gift certificate within 30 days of purchase, provided that the interview has not yet been calendared or conducted with the interviewer. If the original recipient is unwilling, the giver may choose to give the interview to another person. 

When do gift certificates expire?  

Gift certificates are valid one year from the date of purchase. 

What if additional services or interviews are desired after the first one? 

It is common for recipients to request additional interviews or services after the first one, especially if a rapport is formed between the parties. In this event, it is solely between the interviewer and you and/or the interviewee to make such arrangements including cost and scope of work. Life story projects can range from a simple package of interviews, audio editing, transcription work, or complex research and writing projects. Hence, some negotiation may be involved. Evalogue.Life leaves this between the parties. If you think you may be interested in additional services, please mention this to the Evalogue.Life representative who reaches out because our interviewers have different talents. Some only do interviews while others are skilled researchers or writers. This information will be helpful in recommending who may be a good fit. 


Interviewers have agreed to a professional code of conduct, which includes keeping the identity and contents of interviews confidential. Be advised that audio files may be uploaded to third-party apps to complete the transcription work. Likewise, interview files may be uploaded to the cloud (such as Dropbox) so the interviewee may be sent a download file. Evalogue.Life disclaims and will be held harmless from any data breaches that may occur by a third-party app or cloud storage. If you have concerns about these technologies, please notify your interviewer and decline to receive a transcript or a download link. Interviewers may be legally obligated to report instances of abuse, and this duty will override any confidentiality clause. The relationship (between interviewer and interviewee) is not considered a legally confidential relationship (like the medical or legal professions) and the interview is not subject to the protection of any legally recognized privilege. 

Boilerplate terms: 

By purchasing an oral history interview gift certificate or agreeing to be interviewed, you agree to the terms outlined in this document. These terms may only be modified in writing and will be governed by the State of Utah in the United States of America. If any portion of this agreement is deemed unenforceable, the remainder of the contract will remain in effect and the invalid provision or part shall be deleted as narrowly as possible to render this Agreement valid and enforceable. If interviewer is subjected to abuse in any form, the interview may be immediately terminated, and a refund may not be given. These terms cover the entire agreement between Evalogue.Life, the purchaser of a life story interview, and interviewee (if interviewee is different than the person who purchased the gift certificate). These terms may only be modified in writing. If the purchaser of an initial gift certificate is dissatisfied with the service, a complaint should be made to Evalogue.Life. Liability of Like Rain Publishing/Evalogue.Life is strictly limited to a full refund of the initial interview(s) purchased from Evalogue.Life. Any other disputes are solely between the purchaser/interviewee and the interviewer. 

Updated September 2022. Copyright Evalogue.Life, all rights reserved.

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